Just do the thing!


Hi there, it’s been a while! Hope you’re doing well :)

I have to credit Adam Husler, one-half of The Huslers, for prompting me to finally get back here with his well-timed newsletter the other week. He wrote about not doing “the thing”. And it jump-started something for me.

Does this ever happen to you? Something is on your mind and then suddenly it seems to be everywhere. Well, that happens to me, A LOT. I think it’s actually called Frequency Illusion or the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon, and this week I’m paying attention to the message. I’ve been thinking a lot about my procrastination/laziness/avoidance recently and what to do about it. I have so many things that I want to do, but instead of actually doing them, I spend my time writing to-do lists, planning and researching the things I want to do. I know there are a number of reasons why I do this. Thank you hours of therapy! I understand that I don’t like to fail or make mistakes. I know that each challenge is a learning opportunity, but I still want to be that person that can just get everything right the first time. Surely I’m not alone here. I don’t like to take chances and put out something that I haven’t poured hours into and tried to make absolutely perfect. The downside to this is that it takes a lot of time and effort and I usually give up long before I’ve ever actually done the thing. But this week something has shifted for me. It’s finally time to just do the things!

Over the last few months, I’ve been wanting to get back into running. And I’ve been watching all these amazing women on Instagram inspire me. And in typical me style, instead of just putting on my shoes and going for a run, what have I been doing? Watching other people run! Watching YouTube videos of people running half marathons, marathons, and even ultra marathons. I’ve looked at training plans, scheduled the days of the week that I want to run, and have been waiting for the perfect moment. And of course, that doesn’t happen. I put it off because I’m tired, it’s cold, and I don’t want to be sore for my next yoga class, I haven’t decided on my goal yet, etc. Insert eye roll here!

But then you know what. The other day, I read Adam’s newsletter and then I saw an unrelated Instagram post about someone just putting on their shoes and going for it. I also happened to listen to a podcast where they talked about getting creative and just starting anywhere, even if you’re not ready. And it reminded me of something that I tell the yogis in my classes all the time. Don’t worry about getting it right. Perfect isn’t the goal. Trying and learning and enjoying the ride is so much better than missing out because of fear.

So after a rough night’s sleep, with no plan, and no goal, I just did the thing! I went for a run… and it was amazing. I loved it, I felt proud of myself, I felt good in my body and it felt lovely to just go with the flow. To not overthink things by having to have a plan. I just went out and ran. I ran until I wanted to walk and then I walked until I wanted to run again. It was a great way to spend 30 minutes in the evening sun, away from the TV and my constant overthinking.

And by going for that run, it’s motivated me to do other things that I’ve been putting off as well. Like this blog post. So if there is something that you are waiting for the perfect moment to do. Why not just do it?

My aim now is to just do the thing more often. It might not always be perfectly polished, but it will always be from the heart and authentic. And with that, I’ll leave you with one of my favourite quotes.

It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all—in which case, you fail by default.

- JK Rowling

Loads of love,

Jess xx