A Space For Me To Ramble


Hey guys! It's been so long since I've sat down to write. So please excuse me if I ramble for a while. The last few months have been super busy. My daughter finished Year 12! So we have been home a lot, supporting her through exams and then celebrating when it was all over. It felt like a month of celebrations too. With all the parties and events, enjoying the Swedish traditions and making the most of the warm weather. Don't get me wrong, it was great and I enjoyed every moment of it, but it was exhausting. And like I like to say, it's all about balance, and sometimes we can even have too much of a good thing. So with all the celebrating and spending a lot more time out, I just haven't had the energy to put towards this space.

Then Self-Doubt Crept in

If I'm being honest, I've also felt like I've lost my blogging mojo. When I get tired for long periods of time, I lose all ability to multitask. My confidence also falters and I started to question whether there was any point keeping this space updated. I wasn't sure if I actually had anything to offer and put out into the world. But now that I'm settling into a better routine and starting to feel more human, I've realised how much joy I get out of being creative. Even if only a few people visit nowJess I've realised how fulfilled I feel when I put something together and see it start as a rambling mess and then turn into something that I'm proud of.

Where to From Here

Watching my daughter graduate was crazy! Seeing her and her friends as the amazing young adults they are was really emotional. I was filled with happiness, proudness, excitement and also a little sadness. Not sure if sadness is the right word. It's strange, watching her make life decisions and think about her future made me think more about mine. What should I be doing with my life? Where to for me now? I'm not just her mum anymore. As much as this is a new chapter for her, it's also a new chapter for me. Has anyone else felt this way watching their children grow up?After putting aside time for myself and doing a lot of reflecting. I've realised that working on the things that make me happy and give me a sense of fulfilment is valuable. Even if no one visits, this will be a great space to look back on when I'm old and grey(er).So where is this ramble going? Well, I'll be posting again more often! Stayed tuned for more honest ramblings and what's happening in my life. I haven't taken the blog in that direction before, but I feel like now is a good time. I'll still be posting my usual content as well. I'm on holidays for a few more days to end the summer and I plan on enjoying every moment of them before our next Swedish winter. I hope you're having a great summer if you're in the Northern Hemisphere. And to all my Aussie loves, stay warm!Thanks for reading. If there's anything you'd like to see more of or want to know more about just leave me a note in the comments or come over and say hi on Instagram :)

Cheers Jess